Thursday, August 26, 2010

Quick Update..... Sorry for the delay!

We hope this posting finds you well.... A quick update on where we have been - we will add pictures a bit later... Sunday, we went to church in the a small town in Minnesota, and then spent the afternoon at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Walnut Grove Minnesota.... She was an amazing woman. I am going to have the kids post their comments on the museum, so please look for that.... We spent Monday driving (alot) so we could get to Chicago and tour the City Tuesday. Tuesday morning, we have a quick breakfast, and then took the train into Chicago from Elgin, where we were camping. Chicago is such a great city! The kids enjoyed the sights and the hustle and bustle of the big city. Nancy and Allison did some shopping and the boys and I went to the top of the John Hancock tower. What views! And history!! It was very cool.... We decided to drive most of the way to Springfield, Illinois Tuesday night, hit a Walmart so we could get some sleep - and then spend the day Wednesday with my family here outside Springfield. Well, the best laid plans..... We got up yesterday morning and the motorhome would not start..... So we spent part of the day in the Walmart parking lot.... We waited for AAA to come and give us a jump to get us going.... As it turns out, one of the batteries failed, so we have replaced the batteries so this won't happen again. My cousin Steve and his wife Rita came to Bloomington, Illinois - about an hour from Springfield - .... and surprised us! We were so happy to see them. There were a few highlights from our visit with Steve, Rita and their daughter and son-in-law Tyler. First, we got to see our newest family member, Beatrice, Betsy and Tyler's daughter. And Allison got to get he "baby fix"! She was thrilled. And spending time with Steve and Rita is always enjoyable - Rita is the epitome of the perfect homemaker-very creative and always making something. And Steve is an accomplished woodworker. He made a cradle for his new granddaughter and it was beautiful! Lots of love went into that beautiful masterpiece! Then Steve and Rita took us over to visit their friend' Mike's working farm - a pig farm! It was amazing, and very smelly. I am going to have the boys tell you about that later.... That's it for now. Thanks for taking a few minutes and getting caught up with our travels. God Bless! Eric


  1. It sounds like you are having a great time.We can't wait to hear the kids comments about the pig farm! Wishing you safe travels.

  2. Praise God that everything worked out okay! Joshua had this sudden interest in farming a few years back and so we have been on a farm ride lately - visiting sheep, pig, & cow farms, going to the country fairs & we, ourselves, even have some beautiful chickens in our backyard - who knew they could be pretty to look at! It is something to have farm fresh eggs every morning - so unlike the city we were raised in! And what a blessing so spend some time with family. We will keep praying for you!

  3. Soooooo glad you got to see The Hunsley/Hunts! Sounds like you are having a blast!! Stay safe and keep on truckin'!! Love to hear all about your adventures!! XOXOXO
