Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Yellowstone Bound!

Good evening,
We have had quite the eventful last couple of days..... Matthew got married on Sunday, and on Monday, we hit a tremendous thunder, lightning, and rain storm. And then last night we nearly got the motorhome stuck in the mud at our campsite..... But other than that, it has been pretty boring (Ha-Ha). Here's the scoop... Matthew did get married (joke) at the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center in Montpelier, Idaho. He did this so he could double his land share from 320 acres to 640 acres when he reached Oregon..... Obviously, this was a mock wedding, but we have had a lot of fun ribbing him about being married.... Her name is Kim and she is 14... They make such a cute couple!!! We spent Sunday night in Idaho Falls, and got up yesterday and leisurely made our way to Yellowstone - Yea!!! We did get caught in a nasty summer storm that provided the mountain trifecta - lots of rain, thunder and lightning - what an amazing display! God treated us to the most beautiful rainbow last evening - the prize for waiting out the storm... We spent today in Yellowstone, visiting Old Faithful and looking at many of the geothermal sights here at the park. We really enjoyed the day and the weather was absolutely perfect - lots of sun and "Big Sky" clouds... We also wanted to thank our many friends who came by last week to visit us and wish us well for our trip-we really appreciated it:).... That is it for tonight - eric


  1. Who knew that this trip would add a member to our family??!!?? :-) Tell Matthew that we send our congratulations!!! Glad to hear that you are having fun and seeing lots of cool things! Looking forward to reading all about your adventures!!! XOXOXO

  2. What an awesome trip so far & what a good sport Matthew is!Funny - my family went that same route - from Oregon to Idaho Falls to Yellowstone! My mother was with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) at the time, so it was a missionary training trip! We will continue praying for more of God's awesomeness! :)
