Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Harpers Ferry and Antietam

Hi Everyone,

We visited Harper's Ferry and Antietam before Williamsburg, but forgot to mention it. A possible senior moment.... We visited Antietam National Battlefield in Maryland. The bloodiest single day battle in the Civil War took place at Antietam, and the 24 acre "Corn Field" saw some of U.S. History's most horrific fighting. A Louisiana Brigade lost more than 60% of its men in under 30 minutes of fighting! How sad that day was. We were fortunate enough to see a Civil War Company reenactment while we visited the battlefield. They demonstrated different formations of fighting and the loading and firing of their muskets.

After Antietam we drove to West Virginia and visited the quaint town of Harper's Ferry, where the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers border the states of West Virginia, Virginia and Maryland. At one point, Harper's Ferry was going to be considered as the location of the US Capital, but because of the location and the flooding possibility, it never had happened.... Several important events occurred here, and many important and influential people visited Harper's Ferry. This town witnessed the 1st successful American railroad, John Brown's attack on slavery, the largest surrender of Federal troops during the Civil War, and was an armory and arsenal. Many famous people visited Harper's Ferry including Gen. Robert E. Lee, Frederick Douglas and Meriwether Lewis - of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. He came to obtain weapons for the Corps of Discovery and his expedition. Also, Thomas Jefferson was a frequent visitor of Harper's Ferry. In fact, Jefferson said, "The passage of the Potomac through the Blue Ridge Mountains is perhaps one of the most stupendous scenes in nature." We all agree with Mr. Jefferson! It was beautiful!

The town is part of the Appalachian Trail so we were able to walk 1 1/2 miles of it. We had our ice cream - and it was good - and kept on moving...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, thanks for another great update. Beautiful part of the country. We have really enjoyed all your updates. We love you and look forward to seeing you all very soon . Love, Mimi and Papa
